Monday, May 18, 2009

GA Aquarium!

Today was my first full day in Georgia, and Maggie and I spent it at the Georgia Aquarium.
(Maggie and I have been best friends since we were born.  She now lives in Atlanta, so we don't have nearly enough time together!)

(This is a whale was GI-NORMOUS)

Check out the very fashionable sting-ray with it's leopard print...

This is me walking through the tunnel that went through the giant tank that was full of sharks, fish, sting rays....

It was awesome!


The whale shark was my favorite fish of the day. I would never want to encounter one face-to-face, but it was an awesome looking creature. Especially next to all of the tiny fish.

They were also in the middle of the run of their visiting Titanic Aquatic exhibit - which, as many of you know, is a huge point of interest for me. I just find everything having to do with this ship of course we bought tickets for the exhibit. No photos allowed, however. :(

You'll just have to go see it yourself ;)
Thanks to Jenny I had recently seen an episode of Ghost Hunters that focused around this exhibit AND the Georgia was a really neat episode and I was excited to get to see it while I was in town.

This I just thought was hilarious.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the great Georgia Aquarium photos, and especially for the opportunity to see Mary and Maggie together having fun! xo
